Zoom gig
by on January 1, 1918 in Music

I will be joining some great musicians on Friday August 22nd for a night of cool songs of the 60’s and 70’s. The band is called Zoom and includes Matt Walker (drums), Alan Berliant (bass), Steve Gerlach (guitar), Rich Parenti (lead vocals), and Jim Dinou (keys). I contribute vocals here and there during the night when the mood strikes me. I really love these guys. Try to make it out…….Nevin’s 1450 Sherman Ave. Evanston, Il. (847) 864-0450. 2 sets 9 and 1030pm, $7 cover.

2 Responses to Zoom gig

  1. Hi, Claire! I just discovered your site, and I wanted to say that I really love “Easy Come Easy Go”–it’s got a great feel to it. I’m sorry to say that I didn’t know you had a solo career until recently, but I loved “Wanderlust” ever since I found it in a used record store in the mid-90s. Still listen to it on a regular basis. I live in Phoenix, so I can’t come to your shows, but I wish you the best!

  2. cindy croak mitchell on

    hi claire -i love the story about jackson browne and you’re right “these days” is one of those songs that stands the test of time
    hope to come see you play, just need to know where and when
    your friend
    cindy croak mitchell

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